Buyers & Sellers Information from Clear Title
For Sale By Owner
For Sale By Owner
Clear Title & Abstract, LLC is here to assist you with your for-sale-by-owner closing.
If you have a purchaser for your property and have chosen not to use the services of a Realtor, we can help you finish the transaction. Our closing services will professionally guide you through the process and make sure that all the proper steps are taken. We will also prepare the HUD closing statements according to Federal guidelines.
What do you need to get started? The purchase agreement is the contract between you and your purchaser. It is also our contract to act as your closing agent. You must have a purchase agreement signed by you and your purchaser. Stop by our office and pick up a FREE closing packet. This contains a purchase agreement, seller disclosure information, authorization to obtain loan information, and brochures about our services including pricing guidelines and a contact list.

Please email Jeanne Clark with any questions about this process @ JClark@Cleartitlellc.com or call her at 712-328-1017.
Click below for a package of information to get your for-sale-by –owner process started.
